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Azure Strategy and Implementation Guide eBook

For those of us who are new to Microsoft Azure or in the beginning stages of planning a cloud migration, Microsoft is now giving away the Azure Strategy and Implementation Guide for IT Organizations eBook for free! Cloud architects often hear the same questions from different customers who are starting to plan out their cloud implementation process. That’s what motivated at the good people at Microsoft to write the Azure Strategy and Implementation Guide eBook, and provide their guidance in the form of a blueprint that customers like us can follow to help form our cloud strategy.

Whether you are starting with Azure or doing more general research regarding how IT teams navigate cloud implementation, this guide offers a balance of broadly applicable advice and Azure specifics for you to consider. Here is an overview of what is covered:

Chapter 1: Governance – This chapter covers the starting points, from the aspirational “digital transformation” to the important tactical steps of administration and resource naming conventions. Get an overview of topics such as envisioning, to cloud readiness, administration, and security standards and policy.
Chapter 2: Architecture – This section takes a longer look at security, touches on cloud design patterns, and

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